Monday, November 17, 2014


Have you heard about this project?

#NMSN14 stands for No More Shame November 2014.
Survivors everywhere are sharing their stories and coming together to support each other.
A few amazing women (also, survivors)Rachel Thompson Bobbi Parish and Athena Moberg got together and started a twitter chat held on Tuesday nights for survivors with the hash tag #Sexabusechat. I have been an active participant in these chats more and more. It is a great place to share your story, get support or even just see what other survivors are up to.

I celebrated my 27th birthday on the 15th of this month and part of my celebration was sharing an essay for the #NoMoreShame project. 
Monday November 17th there will be a book release full of survivor stories, poems and essays.

I want to share this information for fellow survivors who are looking to connect or maybe you know a survivor who needs to hear that they are not alone.

Victims, survivors, thrive-rs and lifers are banning together and telling abusers NO MORE.  If you're not ready to share your story but, would like support, feel free to email me at:

Also feel free to check out these amazing, informative videos, made by fellow Survivors: HERE